Online Survey Analysis Software

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Fast, High-impact Survey Results

Produce high-quality survey results quickly with Stat59. This online survey analysis software is a mobile-friendly platform that takes the headache out of conducting online surveys.

Stat59 is your high-quality, cost-effective online survey analysis software solution to the Likert scale analysis tool that provides guidance when conducting and analyzing surveys.

Avoid the Likert Crush.

The survey module of Stat59 entails a visionary approach that’s completely unique. Many of us have fallen victim to the Likert scale at one time or another. The Likert scale is a common analytical tool that measures research involving questionnaires. Although it’s been used and trusted by statisticians for many decades, the Likert scale is an imperfect method of collecting data for many reasons, including:

  • Produces ordinal data
  • Parametric methods based on incorrect assumptions
  • Creates biased results

Is difficult to effectively measure the true opinions and emotions of participants with the Likert scale. Additionally, it’s virtually impossible to provide effective evidence for participant responses on a Likert scale. That’s why it’s extremely important to avoid developing a Likert “crush.” The best way to avoid developing a Likert crush is to carefully plan and execute the survey. The beginning phases of development are so important because it’s nearly impossible to salvage results once the beginning stages are complete. The team at Stat59 encourages the use of data collection processes that provide strong citations and explanations as to why certain analysis methods are favored as opposed to others.

A Leap Forward in Productivity

Stat59 was created with the concept of productivity in mind. With the utilization of three feature sets known as study design wizard, data tabulation platform and analysis platform, and manuscript engine, mistakes will be mitigated from the very beginning stages of research.

Measure the Emotions of Your Survey Participants

Stat59 is a developed online survey analysis software that produces optimum results that are not only humanistic, but also accurate. Stat59 adds emotional appeal to data measurements that other data collection methods simply don’t through feelings of discovery, pride, and satisfaction.

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